Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Don't Let Them Talk About Y'alls Boy: A Tribute To Kwame

I've been so rough on Kwame the last week or so and I got to thinking that maybe I need to be more positive.

So I put together a few things that really illustrate how Kwame has touched lives. This is the hip-hop mayor we're talking about here. He not only brought Detroiters declining city services, increased poverty and crime, and terrible schools, but he was the mayor who soiled the reputation of a city already viewed by most outsiders as a war zone. That shit takes dedication.

So, this is for you, KK. Remember, Detroiters, don't EVAH let them talk about y'alls boy.

And if you aren't from the D, Leave Kwame Alone!


don alberto said...


Southerner in Suomi said...

LMAO. I just took up your opinion because you are from the D. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Victor rawks! Dee Snutts