Tuesday, January 29, 2008

When In Doubt, Go Get 'Cho Pastor

The Text-Message Freak Of A Mayor finally will speak. On Thursday, that is.

'Bout damn time. But he's utilizing Rule #56 of the My Ass Is In A Sling Guide For Dummies. Kwame will speak at 7:30 p.m. at his church. How convenient.

When black folks get into trouble, the first person they go running to is the pastor. Now, I can't be too critical because, in a way, this is a good thing. When we run into our darkest days, let's hope we have the sense to go and seek God.

The problem is, when black folks are in trouble, they immediately align themselves with a pastor. R Kelly did it. He went on BET with his pastor, claiming some mumbo-jumbo. The question I always have is, why didn't you seek out your pastor before you start sending dirty-ass text messages to your subordinate? The time for R. Kelly to call his pastor was BEFORE he peed on that youngster.

I'm already predicting Thursday will turn into an old Negro spiritual. I just hope Kwame's pastor doesn't act like this:

1 comment:

don alberto said...

i cannot imagine would he could/would say! i can't wait!!!