Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The New Hotness For '08: Stealing Personalities

Since I'm ghet (short for ghetto), I'm used to fools stealing rims, hotel remotes, packages of pork chops, and hotel towels. But here's the new thievery in '08:

Fools is stealing personalities.

One of my girls got some Talented Mr. Ripley shit going on in their life. Sometimes, people can want to be down so badly and have such crippled self worth, they decide to steal someone else's life. Imitate their mannerisms. Say their phrases. Copy their goals. Start trying to be-friend their friends. Listen, I gots mine, you best get yours.

There is a really funny story around all this, but suffice to say, I want y'all to be careful. Guard your personalities.


SNM said...

Ok, that sounds fucked. I mean, that's just ... *sigh* People have too much time on their hands or something.

On a different note, remember when Jude Law used to be fine?

M-Dubb said...


Gooders Girl said...

Single white female -- no?! Ina ny event it is crazy!