Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Worst Liar On Earth

Man, Rog, you really screwed the pooch, didn't you?

Not that Roger Clemens will ever spend a day in jail, but has anyone torpedoed their reputation quite this fast?

From a for-sure Hall of Famer to being a slimeball in the span, of what, a month? The lies Rog told on Capitol Hill this week when he testified in the steroids probe are so criminally bad that Rog should go to jail for thinking the public is that fucking stupid.

Let's get this straight: Even though his best friend, Andy Pettitte, says he did performance-enhancing drugs, even though supplier Brian McNamee would face jail time for not telling the truth, Rog wants us to believe that of all the names to pick out of hat, McNamee picked his and is lying about his involvement with PEDs. This is the same Rog who seemed to get stronger and more effective as he got older -- conveniently after Red Sox management said he was washed up.

Before this week, Clemens said he didn't know anything about human growth hormone or steroids, which is a lot like a crackhead not knowing about the pipe. Or a pimp not knowing about his ho's.

What's worse is that Clemens has thrown everyone he could under the bus. He admitted McNamee shot up his wife with HGH, but Clemens claims he knew nothing about it. I hope for Valentine's Day, Clemens' wife punches him in the nuts. That was out-cold to tell on her like that.

So, we're supposed to believe his own wife was embroiled in HGH, but not him. Did Clemens steal that straight from Marion Jones' Dummy Guide To Lying For The Feds or what? Remember, Marion's 45-teeth-having-ass wanted us to believe that while her husband and baby daddy were both users, no way was she involved. That defense didn't work out so well, being that Marion is on her way to the pen.

Besides, last time I checked, Clemens' wife was just a rich-ass housewife, not a pitcher desperately trying to maintain a Hall of Fame career. Don't get me wrong, I believe it's true that Clemens' wife took HGH so she could shine in the 2003 Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. However, I don't believe she did it just once because her body allegedly reacted violently to it, as Clemens claims. And I certainly am not stupid enough to believe Mrs. Clemens was the only 'roid user in that house. If anything, she took the shit because it was working so well for her husband.

Clemens is in this predicament because he is simply trying to protect the image he's carved for years. He's a great pitcher, but he's sold the public on being as American as apple pie, as being the aw-shucks, God-fearin', Republican-loving Texan -- the kind of guy you'd split a six-pack of Stroh's with in the back of a pickup truck. Clemens enjoys his hero status and what we're seeing from him now is his desperate effort to maintain that level of hero worship.

If good ol' Rog would get his enormous ego in check, he actually could have manuevered his way out of this mess with a shred of dignity. What Clemens didn't seem to understand is he's such a hero to the public, they would have been more than willing to forgive his misdeeds. Had he come clean, maybe even blamed his usage on trying to keep up with a culture chock-full of steroid and HGH users or the greedy-ass owners, the people would have sided with him. They would have given him a pass because, deep down, they wanted to believe him.

Clemens will never face perjury charges unless a smoking gun containing real, physical evidence emerges. I know McNamee has gauze and syringes which supposedly contain evidence that Clemens was shot up full of 'roids, but it's been in McNamee's possession for years and that would never hold up in court. Any judge or lawyer with a specter of common sense would question the chain and custody of evidence. A sharp attornery always could give Clemens an out and say that McNamee shot Clemens up without his knowledge.

But Clemens' ego wrote a check his ass can't cash.


M-Dubb said...

But I gotta say, if you're gonna say something, you need to believe it.

As ashamed as I am to admit this, Toccara said something last night on America's Next Top Model that people don't understand. Basically, if you say something, you better stand behind it. Or if somebody thinks something about you, you'd better make them a believer.

Call me a whore, and I'm humpin everything that moves. Trust.

don alberto said...

Roger Clemens is showing his ass off because even if he's found guilty of perjury, President Bush will for sure give him a Presidential Pardon on his way out the door...FOR SURE!!! All of this so called posturing of who's telling the truth and who's not, is just a total waste of time and tax dollars. This could be just another diversion to insure that the Republicans SLIDE another President into the White House! You have to really pay attention to what's going on. Do You really think Roger Clemens would go to jail? This story really isn't news at all!!!

SNM said...

With this kind of beneficiary doubt, especially from the Repugs, all I can say is, give me the chance to be a white man FOR A DAY.

And a straight, well-paid, well-known athlete white man? At that point, it's not even white privilege. I don't know what that is.

Seriously, if I was Tom Brady, I'd go knock over a liquor store just for shits and giggles.