Monday, March 3, 2008

Sad News

Any murder is tragic and unjustified, but in my mind, things always hit a little bit harder when children are the victims. The cycle of life is that parents go before children -- not the other way around. So when that cycle is interrupted, it gives a great imbalance to the natural order of things.

Another note: Juvey's 4-year-old daughter, Jelani, was murdered by a high school sophomore. A high school sophomore? Since he was 17 in the 10th grade, I'm going to assume there was a lot more going on in that household than the news will ever report. Making things worse is that in 2003, Juvenile was arrested for abandonment because he denied Jelani was his child. Once a paternity test was done, he began to pay child support, so I'm not trying to make him seem like a jerk. But I imagine there might be some guilt there, given what's happened.

OK, on a slightly, more light-hearted note, whenever real stuff happens to rappers, it's always interesting when you find out what their government name is. Juvey's is Terius Gray. Intriguing.

And just so you know, I'm going to be the trifling blogger that dips on y'all for two weeks, then hits you with 4-5 posts in a row. Just cause I can.

1 comment:

don alberto said...

WHO is raising the children? WHO is watching the children? Sad...