Monday, June 11, 2007

Never Come Between A Man And His Quesadilla...

I know you're looking at the title of this blog and wondering...

What. The. Hell?

A little history, first: This is actually my third blog. The first one was shut down because of stupidity (long story). The next one has a pulse, but I came to the realization that it wasn't as fun as the original product. It wasn't as easily accessible. Going private just didn't give me the same rush.

So I had to make a choice: Be me or be less me? Like David Chase did with the final, whack-ass episode of the Sopranos, I chose to stay comfortably in the middle. I'm still me. Just more aware that me has several pairs of eyes on her and me will be a lot more careful than I was before. We'll still have fun, kick it and do the grown thang...but a tweak here or there never hurt. Besides, I got bills to pay. I can't lose my job over some bullshit.

Anyway, as for why this blog is named what it is, well, that's actually a funny-ass story. A slight rip-off, too.

And yes, the Antoine Walker I'm referring to is the one who plays for the Miami Heat. A friend told me about how his quesadilla was once eaten by a bomb-sniffing dog at the arena. I did clown Antoine a bit 'cuz he happens to be one of the chunkier members of the NBA. Then, my friend goes, "you know what? That'd be a cool name for a blog: Antoine Walker's Quesadilla."

I concur.

So, here we are. Not new, but definitely improved. Smarter. Wiser. Stupider. Hope y'all enjoy. The page is still under construction, so don't bitch. Now, that I'm out from the mattresses, expect a lot more.


don alberto said...

Let somebody eat your quesadillas and see what happens!

Southerner in Suomi said...

A bomb dog. LMAO!! I almost fell over laughing. And yes, he's a chunkster.