Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ey, yo, CNN, where you at?

Since so much was made about how black people just tolerate calling each other the n-word, the h-word, the b-word, et cetera, I thought I would take some time to point out that since the great Imus debate about what black people do wrong, CNN and other media outlets have given virtually ZERO coverage to the conversations that have taken place within the BC (the Black Community).

I said at the time that pockets of the black community have been railing against rap, use of the n-word and other things for years, but when black people are trying to actually solve problems within their own community and are doing something positive, nobody cares. Trust me, the next time something goes down, CNN and others will continue on with the played storyline that black people are to blame for the racism against them and we never challenge other black people who corrupt our community.

Exhibit A -- Black folks protest D.L. Hughley.
Not long after the Imus stuff went down, Hughley was on Jay Leno disrespecting the Rutgers team. FYI: Black on black crime is never national news.

Exhibit B -- Russell Simmons and Ben Chavis have made the rounds to a variety of record companies, trying to get them to clean up hip hop. They've been calling for them to ban the n-word, h-word, etc.
Gee, wonder why Paula Zahn hasn't done anything on that.

As I've said a million times, the major networks are not interested in showing black people help themselves. They're interested in what sells. And conflict, degradation and urban blight are box office smashes.

Personally, it was rather ridiculous how black people got blamed for what Imus said. Imus blamed it on hip hop, and I have a hard time believing his old ass ever listened to any hip hop track. The usual MO of racist and prejudiced people is to blame someone else for their problem. But that's the remix racism of '07. Imus calls some women "nappy-headed hoes," it's our fault.

It's funny, black people routinely are lambasted for playing the "victim." Leonard Pitts points out who has really been playing the victim lately.

1 comment:

M-Dubb said...

"National TV doesn't care about black folks."