Thursday, June 14, 2007

Paris is Dumb. Water is Wet.

I've been meaning to get to this Paris Hilton stuff for days, but the scintillating NBA Finals has just made it impossible.


Anyway, I was bothered on so many levels by this Paris Hilton saga. One, I just can't believe this heffa is famous. And I don't want to get too sidetracked but the idea that people are "famous for being famous" is just moronic. What the hell does that even mean?

Like most of America, I struggle to understand how PH became such a fixture in pop culture that FOX, MSNBC, CNN -- CREDIBLE NEWS PROGRAMS -- did barrage coverage on Pissy Hilton like it was a presidential race.

That's already bad enough. Even worse is that there were actually people -- people I considered to be fairly sane -- who actually felt sorry for her.

Sorry for her?

Actually, Paris Hilton has been dead to me since this. Although that would imply that there was a time I may have liked her.

If anything, this whole jailhouse fiasco only exposes what a joke the criminal justice system can become when influenced by cash and privilege. If the average person had a DUI on their record and was busted by cops driving with a suspended license AND with their lights out, they'd be making license plates for a minute. If the average person went to jail and refused to eat, they damn sure aren't going to release them. Think Pissy is the first prisoner to come up with the ingenious idea of starving themselves in jail? So what she was crying and hyperventilating. IT'S JAIL. It's supposed to be f-ed up.

And what this further exposes is how much of a joke the criminal justice system is in Los Angeles. OJ, the Rodney King trial, and now this. And what's with this "pay jail" shit? Apparently in the land of Botox, you can pay to have an upgraded cell, where you have a desk and some other amenities. Hell, for all I know, you might even get rewards points. Stupidest concept ever. But, that's LA. And this is Pissy Hilton.


Twistinado said...

first: glad your public and regularly bloggin again. I gotta get back on my grizzly, too.

second: why do I need to do this word verification garbage to post a comment. this is very high-post.

third: i feel that there should have been a ton of news coverage directed at this paris saga. but not directed at her plight or issues, but the light it sheds on the justice system and power of the dollar.

fourth: in terms of the whole famous being famous thing. i hate it and wrote about it here

Chris said...

liking the new set up. And yeah, Paris Hilton is a joke, but proof that God is a just one...Paris and her "medical condition" get sent back to the p-now PDQ and Genarlow Wilson will be out soon. Gotta love it.