Sunday, July 22, 2007

Order of Phoenix vs. the Lord of Dogtown

Harry Freakin' Potter.

Count me among those who completely missed/just doesn't understand the Harry Potter phenomenon.

Now I say this without having ever read a Potter book or watched any of the movies, but if you're over 12 and waited until midnight for the release of the final novel, then I must put you in the category of all those grown people who camp out for the release of Playstations. Oh wait, I did that...let's just move along.

Truthfully, I've avoided Potter madness. When you get older, your tastes change dramatically. I have no interest in horror-demonic related fare anymore, and Potter mildly fits in that category. I have no memory of ever drinking water as a kid, but feel strange when I don't drink the required amount of water now. I also can't stand the Real World. Weird.

Anyway, I'm one of those people who just misses really, big pop culture crazes. I've seen two full episodes of Friends. Haven't seen any of the Lord of the Rings. Pokemon? Please.

This year I'm expanding my mind and playing in my first fantasy football league. There goes my last five cool points.

Now, the Week In Review...

- The chairman of Roger Williams University drops the n-word in a board meeting, and blames it on Black Rob. Less than a week after the NAACP buried the n-word, there it is. That still doesn't break Jesus' resurrection record.

- Michael Vick, despite having a $130 million contract, is about to go to jail for bankrolling Fido v. King in a death match. If the feds convict -- and I like their chances with a 95 percent conviction rate in indictments -- MV is going to go down as having committed the stupidest crime ever by an athlete. Think about it: Ray-Ray beat a murder rap. Kobe beat a rape rap. Leonard Little, the St. Louis Rams defensive end, also essentially beat a murder rap since he killed somebody in a drunk driving accident and did (just) 90 days. Those were serious crimes. And now the highest paid quarterback in the league might go to the can for dog fighting???!!! Imagine how that's going to play in jail. In the prison-rape hierarchy, a convicted dog killer will get you done only slightly less barbarically than a child molester and a rapist. Meaning, MV will get gang-raped by three people, instead of six. And he just might get a little vaseline. Only a little.

- 50 Cent confirms that if you like his music, you're lightweight illiterate. He also said Nas's (alleged) downfall is because he reads too much. Another reason to hate Fidee: He hates reading.

- On a serious note, Tammy Faye died on Friday. I saw her final interview on Larry King a few days ago. It was heart-breaking. Not that I was ever the biggest Tammy Faye fan, but she was such a huge personality in the 80s. When she died of cancer, she was 65 pounds. No human being deserves the suffering she endured.

Coming this week: My battle against The Man, musings from LA, and the breakdown of what will be the most significant moment of my life -- next to my wedding and children and blah blah blah.

1 comment:

Jameil said...

tammy faye was actually a really nice person. oddly enough my family's had a lot of interactions w/her.

i miss all those big things, too. after years of hype i may FINALLY try something like friends or sex & the city. i know like both of them. but i wasn't into them while they were on primetime. tried seinfeld and never understood the hype. refuse to get into lord of the rings or potter.